The Inversion


There is an inversion that exists that we are not always aware of.  I’m becoming more aware of it and I want to mention it here.  My post entitled Waves touches on this subject a bit.

Basically, the Inversion is this:  What you perceive with your physical eyes appears to be on the outside but is actually inside of you; and what you perceive with your non-physical eyes appears to be on the inside but is actually outside of you.

Does it even make sense?  What do I mean by outside of you and inside of you?

Here is an example:

When you walk out the door you say:  “I’m going outside to explore the world today.”  You expect to find something valuable outside.  On the other hand, when you lock yourself up in your room you say:  “I’m staying inside to do nothing today.”  You expect to find nothing valuable if you do that.  You think that the real important world is outside the door and that everything inside yourself is unreal and unimportant.  It’s actually the other way around.

This is why NASA finds nothing valuable in space (no aliens, no gods, no life) whenever they launch expensive sophisticated equipment loaded with cameras and sensors “out there” to explore the universe.

But when an average person sits quietly in his room with no money and no equipment and explores the “in version”, he finds everything:  aliens, angels, demons, gods, Jesus, Buddha, Atlantis and all the living entities and worlds of the past, present and future.

We live in an inverted reality.  When you realize this, it changes your life and you can actually turn things around for good.

One thought on “The Inversion”

  1. This might be way off the subject (which is totally normal for me!), but I have an Inversion Table, and when I fling myself upside down, it actually feels better than being right-side-up! Ha ha. It almost feels more natural for me…that figures 🙂

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