Extra-Sensory Perception


You are not 100% here.  Your five senses perceive a very limited range of the full reality you live in.  Your consciousness, your “I” is the real you, and this I (eye) is not limited to what the physical senses perceive.  You are not stuck on earth at all.  You are more free than you think.  You can fly already.

Let me explain…

Remember what I said about not taking everything in when you listen to people talk?  The same thing applies when you take in what the senses offer you.  You can watch and listen to everything but make sure it’s classified properly.  Make sure you interpret it correctly in your mind.  What pertains to the physical world stays in the physical world.  There is another dwelling place for you available right now:  the unseen world.

Your reality is much more than what your five senses perceive.  But how can you access the scenes and sounds of what your physical eyes and ears cannot perceive?  It’s not that hard.  Just take what you do perceive and correlate it to a higher frequency and you will have a preview of what the unseen world looks like.  Correlativity plus visualization gives you extra-sensory perception.

What do I mean by correlativity?  Simple.  Take the musical scale for example.  You know:  do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.  Notice that there are two do‘s.  One at the beginning of the scale and one at the end.  Why?  Is the first do the same as the last do?  Yes, it’s the same note but played at a higher pitch or a higher frequency.  The second do is the first note of the next scale.

You don’t need to learn every note of every scale to understand music.  By learning the first seven notes, you automatically know what the next seven notes will be, and the next, and the next because it keeps repeating.  Like this:  do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, etc. to infinity and beyond.  The same seven notes repeat to eternity, the only thing that changes is the vibration speed of the sound.

Your ear will eventually not be able to pick up the sound of the notes as the pitch keeps increasing.  Does it mean that the high pitch notes don’t exist?  A dog can hear them.  They exist.  But you cannot perceive them.  The conclusion is that you cannot perceive everything that exists.  Or can you? …

The unseen world exists right here right now and you can preview it by taking what you do perceive, correlate it to a higher frequency using your imagination, and create something based on that.  This is how extra-sensory perception works.  Anybody can do this.  Everyone is psychic.

As above, so below.  From your point of view, go get what’s on the other side and bring it down here and you will become a creator like your father in heaven.  It’s called bringing heaven to earth.  This is the highest act of love you can do, and the one that will bring the most satisfaction in your life.  This is what “giving your life for your brothers” really means.  Love is not licking other people’s butts, it’s being creative using e.s.p.  This is what this world needs right now.  This is why you’re here.

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